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Featured Fish: Acadian Red Fish

Acadian Red Fish, also known as Ocean Perch, Rose Fish, or just plain Red Fish are a smart seafood choice because they are sustainably managed and responsibly harvested under U.S. regulations.  They are orange to flame red in color, with a paler underbelly.  They have...

Easter: Seafood Style

By the time Easter gets here, you know that spring is just around the corner. Hope and rebirth are what Easter is all about. Ham and Lamb are the two COP (center of plate) items that you hear most about for the dinner celebration, but salmon is making a statement at...


Passover this year will be celebrated from sunset on April 8th until nightfall on April 16th . During this time, Jews will celebrate the Exodus, the freedom from slavery of the Israelites from Ancient Egypt. It is a very important celebration for the Jewish faith....

Earth Day: 50 Years Later

On April 22, 1970 millions of people raised their hands and said enough is enough, we need to help our planet! And each year since, millions have put on gloves on their hands and picked up and cleaned up their yards, their neighborhoods, their parks and beaches. How...