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New Year Resolutions 2020

Two things…first…can you believe it is the year 2020? In our wildest dreams as kids, we never imagined what 2020 might be like. We figured it would either be fun like the Jetson TV show, or dismal like the song ‘In the Year 2525’. Now we have dated ourselves....

Happy Hanukkah 2019

Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights, is full of traditions, customs and rituals. Lighting the Menorah, gift giving, candle lit blessings all held dear by our Jewish friends. A tradition that most holidays share is the feasting! That’s where Harbor Fish comes in. We carry...

Maine Scallop Season is HERE!

As if there is not enough to celebrate in the month of December, Maine scallop season has to be near the top of the list for us. We wait all year for those delectable rounds of seafood to be delivered to us. As soon as they come in, one of our wonderful staff members,...

2019 Harbor Fish Market Holiday Gift Guide

Is it just us, or is it so much more fulfilling to give gifts rather than receive them?  It is crazy to think about, but it is that time of year! We are all thinking about what we are going to give to all the special people in our lives… which is where we come in.  We...

2019 Guide to Shipping Seafood for the Holidays

Before we get into shipping seafood for the holidays, we want to say that these rules do not apply to in-store customers.  Shipping seafood, especially live seafood is a delicate process, that we take very seriously.  For all of you Maine natives who visit our store...